Wednesday, April 30, 2008


What is excellence? To many people excellence is trying something and succeeding at it. To others excellence can mean to feel good about how a person is doing. There are many different ways that people can define excellence but to me excellence means trying my hardest and never giving it up. Although it is easy to say that a person is a good example of excellence it is a lot harder to actually be excellent. Everyone has had the urge to give up on something because something is to hard or they just dont like to do it. Being excellent takes a lot of work. it means going the extra mile and giving it your all.

Although a person may try to go the extra mile that doesnt mean that they are necessarily excellent. Many people try to cheat their way in by cheating or stealing. In my opinion cheating is the exact opposite of excellence. Cheating is an easy way for a person to consider themselves as excellent, but it really means that that person is just to lazy to do the extra work it would take. Cheating can be easily achieved by copying answers, looking at another persons paper, or even through plagerism. Where would all of that get a person? By copying answers they arent learning anything because they are just writing about what another person has learned. Plagerism is for people who are to lazy to do their own work because they dont want to or dont have enough time. There is no excuse for either because it is not their own work. It is stealing someone elses knowledge to make it look like a person knows what they are talking about.

Excellence is striving to be the best you can be. There are many different ways of achieving it, many which are good ways at learning lifes lessons, but there are ways that people try to convince themselves that they are excellent. But we all know that it can only be achieved through hard work and trying your hardest.

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